WINGS OF ICARUS (2023) - deals with the balance of the individual beeing
The dream of flying has accompanied mankind for thousands of years and is inspired by the freedom of birds to determine where their journey through life should take them. The desire to finally leave the limiting labyrinth of life and discover the great expanses is a longing that modern wo/mankind finally seems to be able to fulfill.
Greek mythology already addresses this desire in the legend of Icarus, who is able to escape the labyrinth of Minothaurus with his father Daedalus. The flight is a balancing act as only the middle way in the choice of altitude would lead to success.
In a metaphorical sense, flying too close to the sun symbolizes man's overconfidence and flying too low to the water symbolizes his restraint. Both seem to be doomed to failure.
This parable can be transferred to individual life and puts us in the position of Icarus.
It is often difficult to find the right way and achieve the balance of existence.
So life remains a flight between exuberance and groundedness.
This should encourage us to reflect on the consequences of our actions and still be a motivation to never forget the dream of flying.
The interplay of the wings and the COR installation next to them, which stood for the light of the sun, and the cold light of a construction spotlight as a metaphor for the cool wet, left enough space between the wings to imagine themselves in the role of Icarus.
WINGS OF ICARUS was exhibited at Mahalla OPEN in 2023 during Berlin Art Week and